Can You Be A Healthy Carnivore?

carnivore heath

There is something strange about the phrase “healthy eating” that allows it to translate between the speaker’s mouth and the listener’s ear into “eating nothing but vegetables ever again”. This encourages people to think that the healthy option is always the vegetarian option, but is not altogether true. Quick question: what’s healthier? A seared tuna steak or a serving of fries? You probably already know the answer, and it’s not the one made from potatoes.

The morals of eating meat are a debate for another forum, and there is certainly an argument to be made for a vegetarian diet for a range of reasons – moral, environmental and health-related. However, if you are not to be convinced that vegetarianism is for you – and many people are not – this certainly does not mean that you need eat less healthily.

A diet that includes a lot of red meat is not a healthy diet, never will be and never can be. But an occasional seared or grilled steak is not going to kill you, particularly if you trim the fat before cooking it. A chicken breast is an even healthier option, and if it is correctly seasoned can provide a great tasting healthy meal that will be interesting enough to keep you coming back to it.

healthy carnivore

Indeed, you can even find a healthy burger if you know what to look for. Check that the burgers are 100% lean beef, ensure that they are always grilled and don’t top them with enough cheese to keep the mouse population of the world satisfied for the next year, and you can have the occasional burger without feeling guilty.

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