Proven Weight Loss TipsFree

Did you read the latest headline or here the latest TV commercial on weight loss? Surely, you know now you can lose 5 pounds overnight and still eat everything you want to and never gain it back? No exercise needed just take this little miracle pill and the pounds will drop right off? You and over 40% of the adult population, which is overweight, have heard this dribble, so many times; you don't believe a word of it. Now get ready for weight loss information you can believe. This article is going to give you righteous, weight loss tips free.

Think about this for a minute. It may not be your fault that you are over weight. That’s right! You may be carrying the extra weight because of genetics. In other words, if your family tree shows overweight people in it, you may well have inherited the same fat gene. But, there is always a but; you may have contributed to the problem by not eating right and living a sedate lifestyle.

Now, even though you may have inherited some of the problem, you have to take responsibility for having added to the problem. Once you accept the responsibility, it will be much easier for you to make the decision that things have to change. Not only do you have to lose weight but that you have to change your lifestyle. Failure is not an option because it can result in you cutting years off your life.

Your second weight loss tips free is to talk with your personal doctor, to make sure you don't have an illness, which is causing you to be overweight. At the same time your physician will tell you if you’re physically fit to begin a weight loss plan. In addition he will be able to advise you on setting realistic goals for shedding those pounds.

It is important for you to set your goals so they are obtainable. They must be set high enough to be a challenge, but yet low enough so you don't get discouraged quickly. If your doctor tells you to lose 50 pounds, you need to break those 50 lbs down into bite size chunks. (Pun intended)

An example of doing this would be to set a long term goal of losing the 50 pounds over a six month time frame. You can break this down into a smaller goal of only 8 lbs a month. Then you can take it down even further to two pounds a week. It appears now you have a workable goal.

For your 3rd step you need to set out a plan for exercise. If you have been living a sedate lifestyle, you would be much better off if you started off walking. This will help you to get your muscles, in your legs and arms, to working again.

Within two weeks you should be up to walking a half mile to a mile. As your wind and strength improve you may find your self able to move into a brisk walk. Your walking will be the most effective when you can sustain a heart rate of 120 beats a minute for a minimum of 30 minutes.

This article has given you proven weight loss tips free. However, those tips are going to cost you. They are going to cost you to take responsibility and action to lose the weight.



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